Matthew 18:19
[19]Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.


As I have stated a fervent prayer by two in agreement with faith, the size of a mustard seed supported by the promise in Matthew 18:19 that Yahewa will act on that prayer for me is the answer to all the evil Justin Trudeau has brought onto Canadians.

It’s time as believers we use the tools Yahewa has provided to remove this evil leader through mass prayer on the part of sincere believers to lift Canada and all Canadians from this darkness.

Have we as suffering Canadians possibly had the solution to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s reign of craziness before us all along?


A professed Christian is wronged by another, he ought not to complain of it to others, as is often done merely upon report, but to go to the offender privately, state the matter kindly, and show him his conduct. This would generally have all the desired effect with a true Christian, and the parties would be reconciled. However, Justin  Trudeau is not a believer in Yeshua!

The principles of these rules may be practised everywhere, and under all circumstances, though they are greatly neglected by all.

But how few try the method which Christ has expressly enjoined to all his disciples! A few discerning this verse knowing the character of Justin Trudeau.

Matthew 7:6 KJV
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

In all of our proceedings, we should seek direction in prayer; we cannot too highly prize the promises of God.

Wherever and whenever we meet in the name of Christ, we should consider him as present in the midst of us.

Matthew 18:20
[20]For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.


Exodus 18:21 KJV
Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens:

Great men should not only study to be useful themselves, but contrive to make others useful. Care must be taken in the choice of the persons admitted into such a trust.

They should be men of good sense, that understand business, and that would not be daunted by frowns or clamours, but abhor the thought of a bribe.

Men of piety and religion; such as fear God, who dare not to do a base thing, though they could do it secretly and securely. The fear of God will best fortify a man against temptations to injustice. Note: Moses did not despise this advice.

Those are not wise, who think themselves too wise to be counseled.


Please copy and paste this prayer! After removing our names and placing this prayer before Yahewa’s throne with your names in place, and in a great believed agreement, share this prayer based on your promise, Lord, in Mathew 18:19. Holding our Lord’s name in reverence of His greatness and compassion.

As observed by believers, the teaching placed before us on how to deal with one who offends, not only one individual, but a nation, as its Prime Minister and leader should be dealt with through prayer seeking our Lords leadership on how to best deal with the one governing his people so unfairly; while treating and demeaning them to the point of losing  hope, being homeless, and unable to provide daily sustenance, under Justin Trudeau as our current leader.

As such Yeshua has shown his promise to those in heart felt agreement, should lift prayer using Matthew 18:19 as the basis for the prayer which once placed before our Lord’s throne will be dealt with according to Yeshua’s promise in Matthew 18:19.


When believers have confidence towards God, through the Spirit of adoption, and by faith in the great High Priest, they might ask what they would of their reconciled Father.

They would receive it if it is good for them. And as good-will to men was proclaimed from heaven, so good-will to men, particularly to the brethren, must be in the hearts of those who go to God and heaven in prayer for wisdom.

He who thus follows Christ dwells in Him as his ark, refuge, and rest, and in the Father through him. This union between Christ and the souls of believer’s, is by the Spirit he has given them.

A man may believe that God is gracious before he knows it; yet when faith has laid hold on the promises, it sets reason to work. This Spirit of God works a change; in all true Christians, it changes from the power of Satan to the power of God.

Consider, believer, how it changes thy heart. Dost not thou long for peace with God? Wouldst thou not forego all the world for it? No profit, pleasure, or preferment shall hinder thee from following Christ. This salvation is built upon divine testimony, even the Spirit of God.


Those who professing and walking in righteousness with our Lord, placing their prayer through faith, containing the size of a mustard seed longing for peace for the peoples of The nation of Canada who are in agreement, by placing this desire before the throne of Yahewa seeking removal of the evil individual Justin Trudeau, ruling over them and harboring its present call for him to be removed.

Surly the promise shown to two in agreement would be multiplied in the heart of Yahewa by the multitudes in agreement, placing this by prayer before Yahewa’s throne.

And as good-will to men is proclaimed from heaven, so good-will to men, particularly to the brethren, must be in the hearts of those who go to God and heaven.

He who thus follows Christ dwells in Him as his ark, refuge, and rest, and in the Father through him. This union between Christ and the souls of believers, is by the Spirit he has provided them.

A man may believe that God is gracious before he knows it; yet when faith has laid hold on the promises, it sets reason to work.

This Spirit of God works a change; in all true Christians, it changes from the power of Satan to the power of God. Consider, believer, how it changes thy heart.


Heavenly Father, hear our cry for peace within our nation, hear our cry for your compassion to be on display in answer to the sufferings of the many infividuals and families at the hands of our leader Justin Trudeau and his henceman. We call on your mercy to bring peace and grounded intelligence back to our great nation by the removal of Justin Trudeau as its current leader. The  restoration of a leader of Canada, who is in  possession of your heavenly wisdom and Godly compassion as part of our countries diversified peoples, whether an unbeliever or believer in Yeshua; we call on Y

You  restore hope, confidence and wisdom in your appointed Leader, that our peace would be present and the veils of evil fostering confusion and pain be lifted and your love compassion and heavenly wisdom guide our new Leader as they go about restoring Canada back into its former presence of prosperity to its peoples and the worlds image of greatness.

This prayer Yahewa by Bunnie Marie Irwin Rombough and Robert Rombough in agreement place before your throne and call on your promise and our prayer to be heard and dealt with. And all of God’s children say Amen and Amen in Yahewa’s name.


Our salvation is built upon divine testimony, even the Spirit of God.

Matthew 18:19-20
[19]Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
[20]For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Robert a humble obedient servant to Yeshua and his Father in heaven Yahewa. And all of God’s children say Amen and Amen.

About Yeshua's Watchman

Yeshua, as a Watchman. This I pray for all. ” Our Heavenly Father brings us to the river which bringeth forth fruit so we may partake of its sustenance and be filled spiritually with nurturing wisdom and humble dedication in service to Yeshua. “Blessings to All.” As you go forward in peace, knowledge, and strength
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