1 Peter 2:9 KJV
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:


Have you pondered the special day you mark as your entry into this domain (your Birth Day), and how, what our Lord has in the womb, created as a peculiar child, while shaping and molding you, and  continues to do so, as your walk bears fruit for others to emulate and seek, through your actions in Yeshua’s name.

The lost and deluded will be influenced by your demonstration of what our lord shaped and molded you to become, which you place before men as a gift from above, by reflecting our Lord’s light through you into this darkened world.

Celebrate the day Yahweh brought you into this world to reflect his light as the distinct individual he shaped you to be.

Blessings, Child of God, and in your celebration, give thanks for  children with us.


All true believers are a holy priesthood; sacred to God, serviceable to others, endowed with heavenly gifts and graces. But the most spiritual sacrifices of the best in prayer and praise are not acceptable, except through Jesus Christ.

Christ is the chief cornerstone that unites the whole number of believers into one everlasting temple, and bears the weight of the whole fabric. Elected, or chosen, for a foundation that is everlasting. Precious beyond compare, by all that can give worth.

To be built on Christ means, to believe in him; but in this many deceive themselves, they consider not what it is, nor the necessity of it, to partake of the salvation he has wrought.

Though the frame of the world is falling to pieces, that man who is built on this foundation may hear it without fear. He shall not be confounded.

The believing soul makes haste to Christ, but it never finds cause to hasten from him. All true Christians are a chosen generation; they make one family, a people distinct from the world: of another spirit, principle, and practice; which they could never be, if they were not chosen in Christ to be such, and sanctified by his Spirit.


We are called to pray a fervent prayer from our hearts filled with faith the size of a mustard seed. Our lord will hear your appeal for guidance and wisdom. Matthew 18:19
[19]Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

Keep this thought in your heart that fervent prayer with faith the size of a mustard seed is powerful and will be heard by our Lord. Matthew 17:20 KJV
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Know the value of your prayer and where and when to apply it. This is one of many weapons you possess as a true believer separated from the world. Learn how, when, and what to apply it to. This tool will be needed in our future trials and tribulations as distinct children.

Would we know these things for our good, we must pray for, and depend on the teaching of the Holy Ghost; thus the words of Jesus will be brought to our remembrance, and many difficulties be cleared up which are not plain to others. To all the saints, the Spirit of grace is given to be a remembrancer, and to him, by faith and prayer, we should commit the keeping of what we hear and know.

Peace is put for all good, and Christ has left us all that is really and truly good, all the promised good; peace of mind from our justification before God.

This Christ calls his peace, for he is himself our Peace. The peace of God widely differs from that of Pharisees or hypocrites, as is shown by its humbling and holy effects.

Robert a humble obedient servant to Yeshua and his Father in heaven Yahewa. And all of God’s children say Amen and Amen.

About Yeshua's Watchman

Yeshua, as a Watchman. This I pray for all. ” Our Heavenly Father brings us to the river which bringeth forth fruit so we may partake of its sustenance and be filled spiritually with nurturing wisdom and humble dedication in service to Yeshua. “Blessings to All.” As you go forward in peace, knowledge, and strength
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